The planets seem to have left the best till last as we approach the end of this most symbol laden and significant of years – 2012!
In the early hours of tomorrow morning Sydney time (1:46 am, 29 Nov 2012) a lunar eclipse occurs. This is the last eclipse for 2012; part of the eclipse cycle begun in May/June this year and a companion to the total solar eclipse of 14 November.
Lunar eclipses occur on a full moon, usually twice a year, when the Sun, Moon and Earth are aligned such that the Earth blocks the Sun, casting a partial or total shadow onto the Moon. By contrast Solar eclipses occur on those new moons (again usually twice a year) when the Moon, passing between the Sun and the Earth casts a partial or total shadow onto the Sun.
Symbolically, Solar (new moon) eclipses are associated with beginnings. Depending on other considerations in a chart they are thought to point toward the propitiousness or otherwise of initiating a project, venture or romance, etc. The ancients particularly looked to the solar eclipse for indications supporting coronations, weddings, battles and the like.
Modern astrologers who focus on mundane (world) events look to solar eclipses as portents of things that are about, or are soon, to happen, such as political, economic, environmental or cultural changes. As an example, on the eve of the most recent eclipse (at 22 degrees Scorpio) the Federal Government announced its Royal Commission into Child sexual abuse. Scorpio and the 8th house are of course classic motifs of sex, including forbidden sex, and all things secretive and deceptive. The eclipse in this instance suggests the beginning of the end of the institutionalised cover ups etc. and it is the truth seeking, probing to the depths Scorpio energy that will feature heavily in a long overdue and socially confronting exposé.
By contrast full moons (and lunar eclipses, which one astrologer described as a full moon on steroids) symbolise endings or things brought to completion. As new moons then full moons occur two weeks apart each month, one has to contemplate larger (i.e. larger than 2 or 4 weeks) cycles when assessing what is being brought to conclusion? It may be a job, leading to a career change, or a project, or a relationship, or it may be the end (or the time for the end) of a habit or a pattern or a way of being? So a full moon and an eclipse in particular, can be a very good time to let go (and for numerology buffs this eclipse falls on a '9' day - another symbol of completing).
More significantly the chart draws in both personal and social/transpersonal energies. In previous postings I have outlined and reiterated the significance of the outer planet configurations at this time. Firstly, the square of Uranus and Pluto (presently in Aries and Capricorn) defines many of the archetypal themes visible in the world today. In play since 2008 (for the first time since the mid to late ‘60’s), these two are in particularly close proximity during 2012 – 2015.
As the unpredictable, inventive, freedom seeking and authority opposing Uranus interacts with the intense, volcanic, sometimes violent and cathartic Pluto, all manner of upheaval, uncertainty and revolution demonstrates. Change, partly exciting and partly disturbing, is in the air.
Secondly, Neptune’s entry into its own sign, Pisces, during 2012, where it contacted Chiron, represents an altogether different dynamic. This is the yin to the Uranus/Pluto yang; an energy much more representative of an emerging receptivity, particularly by those with a growing spiritual perspective and sensibility. The Neptune/Piscean energy speaks to us of emotion, empathy, creativity, sacrifice, higher inspiration and psychic possibilities, on the one hand, and all manner of naivety, deceptiveness and dreaminess on the other.
Thirdly, and only just recently, Saturn has made its way into Scorpio. Here it makes favourable contacts with Pluto (sextile) and Neptune/Chiron (trine). There is promise here that the conservative and circumspect Saturn can bridge the two patterns, drawing them into a larger and more stable and workable relationship. This will of course only be meaningful to the extent it is practiced by individuals and groups of individuals.
And into this pattern now steps Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars and Jupiter. We thus have a unique configuration, featuring 4 conjunctions (Moon/Jupiter, Neptune/Chiron, Venus/Saturn and Mars/Pluto) made up of:
1. Moon (eclipse) conjunct Jupiter in Gemini opposite Sun in Sagittarius, sextile/trine Uranus in Aries (an easy opposition)
2. Moon (eclipse) conjunct Jupiter in Gemini, opposite Sun in Sagittarius, square Neptune/Chiron in Pisces (a T-Square)
3. Neptune/Chiron in Pisces sextile Mars/Pluto in Capricorn sextile Venus/Saturn in Scorpio ( a ‘mini’ grand trine)
4. Moon/Jupiter inconjunct Mars/Pluto, inconjunct Venus/Saturn ( a yod or ‘Finger of God’), and
5. Moon/Jupiter sextile Uranus, inconjunct Venus/Saturn (a 2nd Finger of God).
There are enough dynamics here to fill several textbooks. But as an overlay to the outer planet themes just mentioned, a key perhaps to the larger interplay involving the inner and more personal planets, can be gleaned from the Moon.
The Moon is the most aspected body in the chart (she’s not of course a planet) and it is her eclipse. And in keeping with her many mysteries there is multi-level symbolism here and hence significance. For it is in her fullness that the Moon is most revealed.
Yet ironically she is, at this full moon, at her furthest distance from the earth (called apogee).This suggests a keeping of her distance, as if we have to work at or earn the right to her secret(s). Her connection with all the other planets (and including the Sun) confirms her significance at this time as featured especially by her aspects to the outer planets and their dynamic relationships.
But it is the relation to the inner planets that invites us onto another level. She is joined by Jupiter, planet of expansion. He inflates her importance. Then she is the focus (with Jupiter) of the Finger of God, linking to Venus (and Saturn) and Mars (and Pluto). That she is in a classic alignment with the Sun, the archetype of female/male, is heightened by the relation with Venus/Mars = female/male.
Lilith is shrouded in mystery. She represents the unbridled, tempestuous, irrational and volcanic side of the feminine (‘a woman scorned’). In mythology she is someone to be afraid of or intimidated by. She is the chaos, carnage and decay, juxtaposed to the Moons creative, nurturing and passive nature. They are sometimes referred to as the whore and the virgin but this is more symbolic of the spectrum of their combined meanings. And it is the integration of that spectrum, the full force of the feminine, which births the Goddess who moves in and is the Mother of all planes of creation.
Through the suppression of the feminine, on many levels, has much imbalance taken root on this planet. In this chart and via this alignment I believe an important marker is revealed, pointing to an acceleration of that which has been slowly stirring in the consciousness of certain men and women and subtly appearing in the world. The strong sense is that ahead of the coming cycle the balance might now truly begin to be restored; through freedom from guilt and the correct role of sex, through the celebration of the body and the earth, through healing ,through the mystery of surrender and through the transformed feminine.
Many have hopes for a better world even as we are perched on what can seem like a knife’s edge. If enough people can support the lifting of the feminine then the hope may be even greater than we could imagine?
Till next time.....