Month of Taurus 20 Apr - 21 May
The Sun's shift into Taurus in 2012 is closely timed to the new moon, exact on 21 April, aligning powerfully as it does with Mars (in Virgo), Pluto (in Capricorn) and Neptune and Chiron (in Pisces). These are all yin/feminine signs that collectively form a Kite pattern. A Kite is a Grand Trine (in this case in Earth) with a fourth point (Neptune/Chiron in Pisces), adding an extra level of dynamism. A Grand Trine is most often associated with a positive flow of energy, as the planets are linked in the same element.
In a personal chart this most often demonstrates as some type of talent or special ability, and an innate sense of ease and harmony. Often however the individual is not motivated and can easily rest on their laurels, as it were, and not perfect or develop their gift. This is where square and opposition patterns are important. They are the driven, sometimes restless impulses that can spur us on.
In the Kite pattern the 4th planet (or chart point) stimulates and sometimes agitates the grand trine, usually to positive and practical effect. In the current chart Neptune/Chiron opposes Mars and forms sextile (60°) aspects to Pluto and the Sun/Moon, suggesting that this is a good period to activate plans, all the more so with the symbolic support of the New Moon exalted in Taurus.
In the Moon’s exaltation in Taurus is much to remind us of not just practical and aesthetic themes, but of that special affinity between the nurturing principle of the Mother and the living Earth (Moon/Taurus). Mother Nature is a term in common use but one that we too seldom take for granted and fail to appreciate. And it is the relationship between man and earth which reflects so many modern predicaments……climate change, over population, rampant extinction of species, deforestation, water, soil and air quality etc.
Resources are also part of this core Taurus theme. That Australia is a resource based economy/country says much about our place in the world and especially its future, as we grapple (gamble with?) the economic benefit of extracting and selling finite and non-renewable minerals etc versus acting on, innovating toward and championing more sustainable and holistic alternatives.
That values are also a key Taurean motif is a reminder that our attitude toward the planet and the collective of life forms who share it, and our management of air, water, soil, forests, oceans and natural resources, will be perhaps the defining ingredient upon which the potential of a more cooperative, universal and harmonious world rests.
Resources are also part of this core Taurus theme. That Australia is a resource based economy/country says much about our place in the world and especially its future, as we grapple (gamble with?) the economic benefit of extracting and selling finite and non-renewable minerals etc versus acting on, innovating toward and championing more sustainable and holistic alternatives.
That values are also a key Taurean motif is a reminder that our attitude toward the planet and the collective of life forms who share it, and our management of air, water, soil, forests, oceans and natural resources, will be perhaps the defining ingredient upon which the potential of a more cooperative, universal and harmonious world rests.
This month is power packed with Taurean symbolism - with the Sun’s passage through Taurus commencing on a new moon and forming part of a Grand Trine in Earth. The sense of the Mother is heightened by these configurations via which Taurus represents a lens through which feminine and healing energies pour. They are perhaps so arranged to help focus our attention on a greater life of which we are part.